We believe in paying our dancers and collaborators for their time, talent, energy, and farts, which means we charge for our services and accept donations. Your one-time or recurring donations are indispensable to our budget. In an attempt to hold ourselves accountable to this statement and offer transparency below is a breakdown of our 2021 operating budget:
2021 Income:
2021 Expenses:
Your money goes directly toward our programming and expenses, here are some average costs:
$10 buys one wig from Party City (we love props)
$15 provides approximately one hour of rehearsal space in New York City
$20 pays for one month of website expenses
$50-150 underwrites the performance payment of one performer
$200 funds print material design for a new production
$300 covers the approximate cost of costume design for a new production
Past budget breakdowns:
Photo Credits (from top): Alice Chacon, pie charts made by Hannah Garner